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Andrew Arboe

Andrew Arboe is a self-advocate who has over five years of professional autism/special education experience.

Andrew is not just the ECHO Autism team member of Anderson’s program, but he is also the Consultation Training Associate for the consultation department. Andrew is a self-advocate with a professional work background consisting of public school, private school, nonprofits, and online programs. To list his other workplaces, he currently works at FOCUS Center for Autism as a teaching assistant and the Children Hospital of Philadelphia as a consultant. His past work includes Autism Families Connecticut, Autism Services & Resource Connecticut, Planning Across the Spectrum, The Next Street, and Plainville Community Schools. For self-employment, Andrew started an online program called Driving with Autism, which tackled driver readiness webinars for neurodiverse drivers. He ran it for almost a year, and it taught him professional lessons that he will never forget.

Andrew is also a public speaker who is known for talking throughout the New England area about autism and his personal experiences. Andrew was a keynote speaker for Autism Connection’s 2023 conference in Springfield, Massachusetts. His specialty topics on autism include transportation and his famous driving topic, employment, special education and transition to adulthood. Andrew uses the power of storytelling with his personal experiences to provide impactful lessons to help empower individuals and their families. For each professional and personal experience Andrew goes through, it gives him more stories to share and the lessons he took for it. This was how Andrew spoke for various organizations like AANE, YAI: Seeing Beyond Disability, Autism Services & Resources Connecticut, and US Autism Association.

Andrew graduated from Manchester Community College with an associate degree as a Disability Specialist. Andrew is attending Charter Oak State College for a bachelor’s degree in psychology. His future plans include becoming certified in autism, special education and coaching fields.

To contact Andrew, you can go to his website to contact him and check out his speaking topics.

Autistic Self Advocate and Public Speaker
Andrew Arboe | SpeakerHub


Anderson Center for Autism Project ECHO