Anderson Center for Autism, Staatsburg, became dedicated to autism programs in 2006. Anderson Family Partners (AFP) is a parent-driven advocacy group bringing many years of experience to the challenges in navigating the educational system, raising awareness around the disorder, and identifying appropriate outlets for additional programming and funding. Autism covers a wide range of neurological conditions that include impairments in communication and social interaction; difficulty regulating emotions; and repetitive or obsessive behaviors and interests.
Earlier this summer, Anderson parent Tondra Lynford spearheaded an advocacy trip to Washington, D.C. Joined by AFP parents Susan Angeles, Kevin Kollar, Jeff Lynford, Jeanne Raichle, Roland Elliott and Anderson Advancement Officer RonDeena Ross, the group met with members of Congress representing New York state as well as Missouri, Mississippi and Utah. The two-day dialogue was a personal one, presenting Anderson’s Lifelong Learning service line as a successful model for use in states lacking proper support and to raise awareness for the need of adult programs.
“We wanted to thank those who were involved in supporting autism causes as well as create awareness around the fact that current legislation supports research and early intervention for children on the spectrum,” said Tondra Lynford, who also serves as advocacy chairwoman of AFP. “There is nothing on the federal level that supports adults who are transitioning into adulthood,” she said.
For information on Anderson Center for Autism’s LifeLong Learning model please visit