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Autism Tomorrow Conference at Anderson Center for Autism

April 15, 2015

Registration is being accepted for “Autism Tomorrow,” a May 2 conference at Anderson Center for Autism that will feature experts and advocates.

The conference will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the Anderson Center’s Route 9 campus in Staatsburg. It will open with a welcome by Anderson’s executive director, Neil Pollack,

Conference visitors can tour the campus, mix with conference attendees and participate in a vendor fair. The Anderson Players, comprising adults from Anderson community-based programs, will present the play “the Apartment,” which demonstrates for students, parents and families the reality of making the transition to sharing an apartment in a first-hand experience of independent living.

Andrew Solomon, a best-selling author, professor and founder of the Solomon Research Fellowships in LGBT Studies at Yale University, will speak at the conference.

Also scheduled to speak is board-certified behavior analyst Vincent J. Carbone, who has more than 35 years of experience educating and treating persons with autism and developmental disabilities. He is the director of the Carbone Clinics in Rockland County and in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Russell Granet, executive director of Lincoln Center Education, who has spearheaded efforts to expand Lincoln Center’s programs for schoolchildren, also will speak, as will Dr. Paul Wang, head of medical research at Autism Speaks.

Registration is $75 per person. People planning to attend should sign up at or (845) 889-9594.