How long have you worked at Anderson?
35 years, 4 months, 11 days.
Or It is 12,917 days.
Or 424 months, 11 days as of today.
Or 245 dog years.
What is your favorite ACA memory?
Way too many. I loved my early years in the Annex. The staff and students would walk Norrie Park and find all the trails. We got to go to all the local federal parks nearby. The first student I met when I came in for my interview was Michael V. (Spike), who must fix my calendar every time he sees me. That first special hug from a student you would never expect it from. Those are the moments you know you have made a difference. Finding that spark that bonds you to that one difficult student that others find very odd. John Bardunias’s grandfather worked here when I started. He was a legend on this campus and at the Annex. He sang loud, and loved to hug people, someone a shy person like me would never want to come close to. We became fast friends, you had no choice, you loved that man! He would drive our buses in the morning and afternoon, and I became the aide on the bus runs from the Annex to the campus. I have worked with amazing people.
Why do you continue to stay working at Anderson?
My reasons for continuing to work at Anderson have changed throughout the years. In the beginning it was great to have the school breaks. As life changed, my need to care for my oldest brother was my motivator to stay. His adult daycare worked with my work schedule, which enabled him to continue to live at home. I stay because I believe I have value to continue to share with the agency, from starting as a Teacher Aide, Teacher Assistant, Night DSP, back to Teacher Assistant, Transition Assistant, back to a Teacher Assistant, and now the Professional Assistant for the AEC. I believe my institutional knowledge is supportive to Anderson.