This weekends 1 in 44 guest is Pasquale Pulella. Pasquale, or Coach Pasquale, is a Special Needs Integrated Wellness Life Coach certified through the Integrative Wellness Academy.
This weekends 1 in 44 guest is Pasquale Pulella. Pasquale, or Coach Pasquale, is a Special Needs Integrated Wellness Life Coach certified through the Integrative Wellness Academy. Coach Pasquale practices life coaching in a holistic way, with the understanding that the mind and body are connected. His commitment to special needs life coaching grew from his early education (he was diagnosed with ADD at a young age) and his work experiences as a special needs caretaker. Coach Pasquale believes that the special needs community can use his services as a resource to improve their social lives! Tune in to learn more about Pasquale, or visit his website:
Airing live:
Sunday February 12th5:30AM on WHUD 100.7FM
Sunday February 12th6:00AM on WBPM 92.9/96.5
Sunday February 12th7:30AM on Oldies – WGNY 98.9FM
You can also listen on our website, or on the Apple Podcasts/Spotify Apps, just search 1 in 44!