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ECHO Autism Best Practices: Neurodiversity and Universal Supports

The ECHO Autism Best Practices program aims to increase the capacity of school personnel in autism best practices to support autistic individuals

May be an image of text that says 'SAVE THE DATE ECHO Autism Best Practices Neurodiversity & Universal Supports Thursday, October 20, 2022 12:00PM to 1:30PM EST The ECHO Autism Best Practices program aims to increase the capacity of school personnel in autism best practices to suppor autistic individuals ECHO Autism is a virtual collaborative case-based learning environment in which expert professionals share knowledge, in real time, with participants For more information visit: Anderson Center for Autism LIFELONG LEARNING™ Project ECHO'

Join us on Thursday, October 20th for the ECHO Autism Best Practices: Neurodiversity and Universal Supports 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Click here to register!

ECHO Autism Best Practices is a FREE virtual learning network of autism specialists that allows for real-time access to experts in autism and other developmental disorders. This ECHO aims to support school personnel in New York State, and beyond, in the education and support of school-age children with autism through case-based learning. The ECHO provides ongoing support for educators and other professionals working with autistic students by providing professional development and program suggestions.

How Does ECHO® work?

Each 90-minute monthly ECHO Program session includes a de-identified case presentation by a community-based educational provider and a didactic presentation by the ECHO Autism team. Time is allowed for questions and answers.

ECHO program session occurs the third Thursday of each month.

Questions? Contact: or visit