Starting November 1st SHINE BRIGHT reimagined, a month long fundraising campaign, will shine a light on this year’s V.V. Anderson Community Service Award Honorees, Above & Beyond Award Winner, Anderson Team Members, and the students and adults we serve!
Starting November 1st SHINE BRIGHT Fundraising Campaign will shine a light
on this year’s V.V. Anderson Community Service Award Honorees, Above
& Beyond Award Winner, Anderson Team Members, and the students and
adults we serve! Through out the month of November we will
share series of impactful videos and images designed to shine the light on those who have the greatest impact on the individuals we serve
that ensure they live a life of quality will bring our message to you via
social media and email. We urge you to watch out for these as they tell an
incredibly important story-the story of why Anderson Center for Autism’s
mission must continue, and it stars some of your favorite Team Members,
families, students and adults.
Our goal is to raise $200,000! Your generosity will
help us reach this goal, and helps us recruit and retain the highest
quality team members and provide the best services available to
individuals on the autism spectrum.
Online Donations
Click here to make a donation to SHINE BRIGHT Fundraising Campaign
*Please indicated your donation is for the SHINE BRIGHT Fundraising Campaign in the order comment box
Donations Sent By Mail
Please make checks out to Anderson Foundation for Autism and mail to the address below
Anderson Center for Autism
Attention: Development Office
4885 Route 9, PO Box 367
Staatsburg, NY 12580
Questions about the SHINE BRIGHT fundraising campaign? Please contact Kelly Dooley at