Kathleen A. Murphy is the Assistant to the Executive Director/CEO as well as Assistant Secretary to the Boards of Trustees. Kathleen began her career with Anderson School in 2005 in a newly created position as the Assistant to the Director of Business Affairs and in 2009 was given the additional responsibility of providing support to the Chief Operating Officer. In 2016, under a new organizational structure, she supported the Division Directors and from there was promoted to Administrative Assistant to the new Chief Operating Officer. Throughout her career, Kathleen held additional roles as Office Services Supervisor, Office Manager and was responsible for oversight of the agency’s recordkeeping systems. Kathleen was instrumental in the formation of the LifeLong LearningSM System/QofL initiative, and in the successful completion of the agency’s master site plan. She has played an active role in many new initiatives helping to bring Anderson to the forefront of service delivery to those on the autism spectrum. Kathleen worked on Wall Street prior to coming to ACA. She is a graduate of Wood Secretarial School in Manhattan.
Kathleen Murphy
(845) 889-9223